Welcome to the recruitment system of the Białystok University of Technology
The on-line registration for international students who wish to study at the Bialystok University of Technology.
Before submitting their application, students have to be nominated by their home Higher Education Institution. Check the IRK2 instructions for any further question: https://pb.edu.pl/iro/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2023/05/IRK2-APPLICATION-INSTRUCTIONS3.pdf
Before submitting their application, students have to be nominated by their home Higher Education Institution. Check the IRK2 instructions for any further question: https://pb.edu.pl/iro/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2023/05/IRK2-APPLICATION-INSTRUCTIONS3.pdf
Admission for ERASMUS+ programme (2024/2025)
Admission for Freemover/Non-degree programme (2024/2025)